Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 9:

Notice Today:
Write something you really appreciate about your husband. It could be something about his character or something he has done for you lately, like put gas in the car or fix a computer problem.

Nurture Today:
Tell him out loud or in a note what you wrote above. Be sure to be very specific about what he did and how it made your proud of him.


  1. My husband is a hard work, to the point of being a workaholic. He is also furiously loyal, to those he works with and his friends and family. After a long day of work he would put me on the couch, take my shoes and socks of put a blanket over me and GIVE ME the remote to the tv. He puts up with me constant channel surfing. He barely gets to watch what he wants to when I get home. But I never hear him complain. He’ll roll his eyes and me and smile. I love that man.

  2. This ones a littler harder considering I don't see my husband these days. But I guess that is a trait to admire. He is very driven and goal oriented, oftentimes to the exclusion of all else. He is driven to succeed for his family and our future and so he puts aside his personal time to dedicate himself entirely to accomplishing his goals. It's been weeks since he took some time and did something for himself. He works 14-15 hour days 7 days a week and he will not stop until either he feels he's accomplished his goal or (more likely) until someone points out that he has already accomplished his goal and now he's earned the right to slow down and take a breather. As tough as this trait can be on the family, if I keep in perspective that he is working this hard to our family, it makes me want to work just as hard to support him.
