Saturday, October 13, 2012

Notice Today:
Do you agree with the penners that "nothing turns on a man like a turned-on woman"?

Nurture Today:
What's something concrete you can do this week to get more turned on sexually? reading a book aloud with your husband? Kegel exercises? Taking the pressure off mentally?


  1. I kind of figured this section would have less comments so I figures I'll try and comment. I agree with Penner. If you ever pay attention when you are truely turned on they seem to be even more and they are more passionate. When your not so into it its mostly a "quicky" just so they get it and get done. As for what advice and ideas on how to make it better I think they sound interesting. I really like the point she made about growing up and your always taught that sex isn't good and you shouldn't focus on it until your married, so especially when your newly wed that can create a problem in trying to change your way of thinking and make sex a priority when it was something to avoid.

  2. I guess I was taught differently as a kid. My parents always made sex something beautiful and incredible to aspire to have with the right person in the right place. So for me it was always something to earn and look forward to as well as an important part of a healthy marriage. My mom always emphasized the importance of having a strong connection before introducing the sex component because people so easily cheapen sex and confuse it for something lasting, like a committed love. Josiah is my very best friend. I've always been able to relax and enjoy his company. So when we got married I really looked forward to being able to have ALL parts of marriage. Then we had kids and everything changed. With the common stressers of life combined with the exhaustion that is parenthood, a sex life gets shelved way too often. I've had to work especially hard at remembering the connection we had as newlyweds and working hard to keep that alive as our lives evolve.
