Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 6;

Notice Today:
Do you treat your husband as the leader in your home? If not, what is preventing you? IF yes, what is your motivation for letting him lead?

Nurture Today:
The next time your husband suggests something you disagree with, bite your tongue and go with the flow. As long as it's morally acceptable, you can show some flexibility.


  1. As I started reading this chapter I instantly went on guard when it said submit to your husband. But I kept reading with an open mind and heart. This one is really hard for me because I am already a Control freak so to let him have final say on everything is really difficult. At the end of the month we will be moving I really wanted to buy a house and really get out lives started but Jon said no and that he would rather live with family for a couple of months. I really have a hard time with this but I know it is a good idea so I just have to bite my tongue and let the heavenly father guide us and see what happens.

  2. i have been a slacker on blogging, so i'm catching up

    The topic of allowing my husband to be the leader in our home was never a problem for me until recently. i had a bit of a guilt trip when i realized that was the case. He works so hard, and because that requires him to work so often, i found myself making all decisions on my own, and just telling him about it afterwards. Is that allowing him to be the head of our house??? no it's not. and i should also be making sure he knows that i trust his guidance for our family. i've always known he gives very good advice, and that hasn't changed; what changed was my willingness to actually let him know i needed his advice and guidance. i made special effort to talk through some of the things that had been running through my head, and get his thoughts on them too. after the conversation, he seemed pretty happy that his wife had wanted him to make the final decisions and let him "wear the pants" in the relationship!
