Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4

Notice Today:

What money personality do you think your husband is? What are you?
Risk taker
Security Seeker
Flyer ( not too concerned about money, flying by the seat of their pants financially)

Nurture Today:

Recognize your husband's money personality as valid, and then schedule a money talk. Discuss what you can both do better to work as a team financially instead of working against each other. Decide together on one specific step to implement this month to get financially stronger.


  1. For us this one is pretty easy. Jon is a saver and security seeker while I am a spender and flyer. So we end up stressing a little about money because we are complete opposites. But the longer we work together and talk the better we are at making things work. Jon knows that I love to spend money so he works with me and tries not to worry about it as much when I do. If I go a little over board he gets a little upset but then we talk about it. I try and be courteous to him by asking him if its ok that I spend money at that time or let him know ok i'm going shopping with the girls so he can expect that I am going to spend. It has been a tough lesson for both of us.WE still struggle but we are working on it and making it work for both of us.

  2. Sad to say I think that I am a mixed blend of all of the above. I am the spender, saver, security, the flyer, but not quite a risk taker though. Tommy is more of the security and saver but he can spend if he feels secure enough to do so. Over the last couple of years I have become the primary money manager since I try to help with my husbands loaded schedule (work, school, life, ect.) We don’t really work against each other but it is a good time to get back on the same page with each other to really focus on our financial goals to accommodate me to possible stop working and become the home maker for my family.
