Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 10

Notice Today:

How often do you argue with your husband?
Daily/or almost daily
What are most of your disagreements with your husband about?

Nurture Today:

The next time your experience conflict with your husband, go quiet. Not "Ice Princess" quiet but "I want to try to understand you"quiet. Treat your husband with respect and value his opinion the same way you want your opinion valued.


  1. Jon and I don't argue a lot but when we do its a big thing. As some of you know when I get mad I have a tendency to close into myself and not talk to ANYONE! ICE QUEEN!! so sometimes it makes it hard. Right now we are going through quite a few disagreements and I feel like I'm always losing which makes me even more upset. We really don't stress small stuff. And we do well at getting over the big stuff. But argueing and communication we have a loss at sometimes because I have that tendency to shut down which doen't help anyone.

  2. We don't really argue much anymore. Most of our arguments happened in the first year of marriage and then right after our first child was born. Usually, if we have a difference of opinion it's simply due to misunderstanding each other's point and we usually figure that out pretty quickly. When I am really bothered or emotional I get quiet. When we were first married Josiah had a hard time understanding that I need time to process my emotions and that I wasn't giving him the silent treatment. He thought when I got quiet I was punishing him. Now, he understands that I need to get through the emotion and then I can talk rationally. So he leaves me alone until I am ready to talk.
