Thursday, November 1, 2012

In Conclusion:

Now we have reached the end of the book. How did it go for everyone? I want to know  little about your experiences this month. What worked for you? What didn't? Did you see a change in your marriage or in you? If you didn't would you try this challenge again? Lets Talk!!
Day 31:

Notice Today;
What is something your husband is looking forward to doing with you in the future?

Nurture Today:
Picture your life ten years from now. How old are you? How old is your husband? How old are your kids? What is your relationship Like with your husband? What wonderful experiences do you hope to have with him in the next decade? Jot your dreams down, and then share them with your husband.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 30:

Notice Today:
Are you and your husband stuck in a rut in some areas of your married life?

Nurture Today:
What is one thing you could do to get unstuck? What can you do this week to add something new to your relationship?
Day 29:

Notice Today:
What does your husband like to do for fun? What makes him laugh?

Nurture Today:
Encourage your husband to do something that makes him laugh. Pull up a funny video on the computer and leave it open for him (try comedian Tim Hawkins or ventriloquist Mark Thompson for starters).
Day 28:

Notice Today:
What are some interests your husband enjoys that you do not? What are interests you both have in common?

Nurture Today:
Plan a fun activity together from the list above. Cut him slack to do his thing once in a while, and you call a girlfriend to have coffee this month.
Day 27:

Notice Today:
What kinds of things does your husband like to do on a date?

Nurture Today:
Pick one of the ideas in this chapter and invite your husband out for a fun and memorable date night. Put it on the calendar today.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26:

Notice Today:
Are you and your husband in an easy or challenging part of the marriage journey?

Nurture Today:
What special memories have you had with your husband over the last few years? Make a "remember when" list and share it with him over dinner tonight (or later this week if tonight doesn't work).