Thursday, November 1, 2012

In Conclusion:

Now we have reached the end of the book. How did it go for everyone? I want to know  little about your experiences this month. What worked for you? What didn't? Did you see a change in your marriage or in you? If you didn't would you try this challenge again? Lets Talk!!


  1. I'll admit I didn't do everything I was suppose to but I tried and I think it really has brought me and Jon closer. I really got to know my husband this month simply by asking him questions I have never asked before. You know I wouldn't mind redoing the challenge in a couple of months and see what else I could pick out of it and become better at. We went through a lot of changes this month and I think in the end we came out on top and became stronger. I really enjoyed this book and the advise and stories in it. I never would have thought of half of that stuff.

  2. i really enjoyed this book! i know i was horrible with remembering to blog, but i really did my best to apply the things i was reading even if it was a bit behind schedule. and i admit that there were days i slacked off a bit and instead of actually doing the specific thing for that day i would try to clean the house without throwing up, or just get off my lazy butt and actually have dinner waiting for him when he got home. but, even on those days, i really think Caleb noticed that i was trying to do things for him. His work schedule makes it hard for him to really have time to sit back and notice things; working two jobs, plus doing his National Guard drills every month leaves very little spare time, but i could see that he noticed a difference in our relationship. i think reading this book came at a good time for me. during my first pregnancy Caleb wasn't working as much so he catered to my every need, and this time around he's too busy to do that,and i sometimes found myself frustrated about it. i needed a bit of assistance in remembering that he really is a wonderful guy and i should show him that i think that in little ways! i can't just expect him to remember that i love him through my "i love you, but don't touch me or i'll puke" attitude and messy house that he was coming home to every day. each day i read i was able to just sit back and focus on how to make him happier by little ways, and it was a daily reminder to take some time and focus on the things that are really important, which is him and our family. it's sometimes nice to read things from people that have "been there, done that" and can give advise that you know will actually work. i would definitely be open to doing the challenge again sometime. i think it would be even more effective when i'm not battling morning sickness and exhaustion haha.

  3. Josiah noticed. He's not particularly vocal about saying when he notices things or saying thank you or showing appreciation but he noticed and for the first time in our 7 years together he said thank you. Maybe because praise from his is so rare, it really meant a lot. I think this book really helped with my perspective too. It seemed easier for me to have a positive attitude and be more understanding after reading through a lot of this. I actually recommended it to my mom too.
