Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Beginning

So Tomorrow starts the beginning of our challenge ladies. I'm really excited about it. So I thought I would start off by asking:
  •  How everyone is feeling about starting the book and challenge?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this challenge?


  1. To answer my own questions I am really excited about starting. A little nervous too because this next month is going to be a busy one. But I couldn't think of a better time to do it because if we can't create a loving home and family when we are stressed and busy busy busy when can we. Even though we are still "newly weds" I want to show Jon how much I love him and appreciate everything we does for me. I tell him but sometime Actions speak louder then words. So bring on the challenge and well see what happens.

  2. It will be interesting to see what everyone's experience will be each challenge. We are all in different stages in our marriages. For me this challenge is to show my husband how much I truly love him and to help us grow closer together and build a stronger bond between us. That way when we eventually have kids, it will be easier to keep our relationship strong.

  3. I'm in! I think this will be good for me to make sure I set some time aside for Jason and not get completely drowned in my homework. It's all about balance, right?

  4. Absolutely, we all need a reminder and sometime help in figuring out the balance. I'm so glad your in.

  5. Better late than never... My name is Amanda (a mountain home-ian friend of Tabby's) and my husband and I have been married for 5 years soon to be 6 in February. I am super excited to begin this challenge. I am always looking for different ways to keep a light going in my marriage. My husband and I have this ongoing reality joke with each other that I love him more because that is the way that God made women. To be able to love nearly unconditional so that it really isn’t something that we have to strive or work hard for. In Ephesian chpt 5 God commands husbands to love their wives multiple time and I believe that is because it’s not "hard wired in" like it is for women. This challenge is a great way to help me to find different way to express my love and to show appreciation to my husband.
