Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Beginning

So Tomorrow starts the beginning of our challenge ladies. I'm really excited about it. So I thought I would start off by asking:
  •  How everyone is feeling about starting the book and challenge?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this challenge?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

31 days to a Happy Husband Challenge

We are going to start a fun challenge called 31 days to a happy Husband. It is a book about how to make your Husband, yourself and your household happier, while at the same time remembering Christ in your life. My mom, Sisters, a couple friends as well as myself are going to read this book and follow the activites suggested or create our own. We will start this challenge October 1st. So follow along with us as we read and post thoughts and results about our recent challenge.
31 Days to a Happy Husband